
            DISEASE  vs  DISEASE & Chiropractic:

Diseases occur from system break downs, per years of accumulation of life abuses.  *ie., health management programs weren’t attended to as should have been through one’s life when the person was in early stages of DIS-ease, hence Disease was the next breakdown stage.

Chiropractic treatments are the hands-on professional procedure for maintaining system balances after an acute injury has been stabilized, re-aligning the spine from misalignment’s which came to happen.


*DisEase is somewhere   in-between   Normal and Disease/

                            Some function is muted, not operating at

                           its full potential, hence is at DisEase

Time frames haven’t been long enough to put the  full  “Disease” process into manifestation, but on its way if intervention isn’t introduced, usually coming from holistic approaches, such as chiropractic, acupuncture, massage.   

Holistic methods are most intent in having people learn HOW to stay healthy; it’s no fun when health is down, and even worse when it’s gone, now requires lots of time returning to betterment, plus all miseries thru that time. 

If things are down somewhat,  

nip that in-the-bud  while

it’s easy to deal with.

Emmy at podium

It cost to live and stay well, COSTS GO  3X  with getting better, i.e.,

the cost of getting care,

the cost of life being miserable,

the cost of time-frame finally getting back on top.

The minds of Holistic approaches are boggled how mainstream medicine rarely gets into prevention, still with the draconian thinking of, “wait till it gets worse, then will deal with it…”


 *When your body’s  6 Zone Systems’  are balanced, your in health status.  This method of healing does not fight disease;  b/c  your’re not in disease, its DisEase, ….just offset, needs re-booting.

*Dr. Fleet, founder of Zone Healing, taught that there can be no permanent healing without teaching, writing many books about Natural Law and its relations to Health and DisEase, the Zones are described “C.”

This person is very attentive in 

receivingSPINAL TALK.

The body’s natural resistance is most desirable, as it keeps the body’s defense resources strong, “over the counter” medicines cover-up conditions, one feels good for a bit.

Since the condition, usually Nervous System related, but not put to correction, it worms its way back to symptoms/pain, etc., and your’re back where you started.

“Over the counter” medicines weakens the Immune System, setting you up for Disease.

*If the body is always helped with some minor item like a cold or flu, over time it loses its inner core strength and double damages occur with it becoming resistive to the medication.