*When the Immune System is operating optimally,
the body operates in the ranges of health, yet have, and experience aspects of Dis–EASE, as that’s from wear & tear of daily living, can’t be avoided, “that’s life,” quoting Frank Sinatra’s song. The key for living in the Health range is from the continual rebooting, file cleaning, deleting, refreshing, of the bodies systems, which are its ‘programs’ of a living – bio – compute; the hardware gets its rebooting from good nutrition and good nights sleep, resetting the acid/base balance – pH.
Dis–EASE: one is not feeling quite up to par; it’s a state in-between that of feeling great at the best end, vs being “diseased,” at the other end, truly not desired.
Vertebral misalignment’s are usually the cause of dis–ease
and clearing the spine of these will generally regain back a
more normal health ranges of those upper 95 – 100%.
Example: the shoulder area muscle layouts; chiropractors working on this joint must know which muscle is being worked on.
(Not known to the public, the muscles of the shoulder joint have an intimate relationship to
the Immune System, through the “Energetic-Body,” which can’t be delved into here, too many Terabytes to deal with.
When the spasm releases, now it should
be let-alone, so the body can do its own
‘thing’ achieving to normality, its
The Immune System is all about having the proper pH level. The ACID–BASE balance of body it critical and optimum function occurs in the BASIC range of about pH-7.4, as the toxins increase, so decreases the BASE state, going to more of an acid state.
The acid state sees tiredness increasing, yawning, you feel the day has ‘flipped,’ its time for bed, crabbiness and easily irritated are other clues.
SLEEP is body’s RE-BOOTING, RE-FRESHING, where file cleanup and deleting takes place, ie., major repairs are done, eliminating toxins, so re-establishing that BASIC state of about pH-7.4.
Understanding this aspect of physiology,
one can see how people today have
jeopardized themselves, their sketchy
nutrition, encumbered elimination, staying
up late most of the time.
*People in “today’s modern world” DON’T want to sleep as they should from too many techno distractions, hence being tired when getting up is the norm; the body wasn’t fully returned to the BASIC state, so they’re living in more of an acid state, pH-7.1, etc. driving the “BRAIN BATTY,” it needs pH-7.4 to function optimally.
The SIMPSONS try their best holding it together, actually getting to that by end of an ‘Episode, all is A-OK and counting,‘ being subtle lessons for us doing the same.
should be ‘what’s happening‘.

The Simpsons & MOI.
That being, it’s clear why thinking, emotions, decision making all become off-set, and since this is daily, it’s no wonder why the insanities in the world are what they’ve become.